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Roadmap for low-Carbon and Sustainable Mobility in India

India has committed to reducing its emission intensity by 33 to 35 percent from 2005 levels as its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The transport sector is one of the main drivers of emissions contributing ~25% of the CO2 emissions in the country. In order to fulfill the sector’s NDC commitments, actions need to be taken to decarbonize and to build cities of tomorrow that are sustainable and inclusive and leave the least possible imprint on the environment.

In view of this, the result of a multi-stakeholder discussion including government agencies, industry, financial institutions, technology companies, civil society organizations, think-tanks, academia, etc. backed by the WWF, PPMC, Shakti Foundation and FICCI (as lead), culminating in a comprehensive report "India Roadmap on Low Carbon and Sustainable Mobility".

The report provides a holistic view for greater policy visibility on the low carbon and sustainable mobility ecosystem in India. It provides actionable recommendations for various stakeholders and policymakers which are conveniently segregated as :

  • short-term (up to 2022) recommendations,

  • medium-term (2022 to 2030) recommendations and

  • long-term (2030 to 2050) recommendations

Panitek Power played its part as a member of Working Group 2 working on "Low Carbon Energy Supply Strategy", acting as a subject matter expert in the e-mobility and hydrogen domain.


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